We are looking for a data scientist to join our team to enhance our data platform and advance our AI offerings. Our challenges lie in processing unstructured, multi-language data, with a focus on tasks like classification, information extraction, and knowledge generation. You should have a passion for building reliable algorithms, discovering innovative solutions to existing problems, learning independently, and possessing a strong problem-solving mindset.
At Forward Earth, we are dedicated to making sustainability and decarbonization core elements of every business. Our innovative software equips partners with carbon management tools that simplify compliance, reduce emissions, and bolster success in a sustainable economy. We are committed to reducing emissions across products and supply chains, helping combat global climate change. Our goal is to automate carbon management, making it accessible and scalable, empowering users to optimize processes and achieve substantial emission reductions.
Problem solvers who thrive on big-picture thinking and crafting elegant solutions. We value diversity, inclusion, and a collaborative culture rooted in respect. At Forward Earth, we set ambitious goals, support one another, and uphold excellence in all our endeavours.
We are looking for a data scientist to join our team to enhance our data platform and advance our AI offerings. Our challenges lie in processing unstructured, multi-language data, with a focus on tasks like classification, information extraction, and knowledge generation. You should have a passion for building reliable algorithms, discovering innovative solutions to existing problems, learning independently, and possessing a strong problem-solving mindset.
Please send your resume and, if applicable, a summary of relevant projects or contributions, to recruiting@forward-earth.com.
We are looking forward to speaking with you!